Tara Howard
Owner | Editor
PHONE: +1(314)546-8624
PHONE: ThatGirlPublishing@ymail.com
SKYPE: TaraHoward
Hello Friends! I am grateful for this opportunity to share a little bit about myself both professionally and personally; especially since for me, the two are connected. In so many ways, what I do is simply an extension of who I am. But, as writers tend to do, I am getting ahead of myself so here’s the skinny on me…
I am originally from Northern California but attended college in the Midwest. Upon earning a Master’s in history (focus in African-American women in literature) I moved back to my home state and began teaching for a couple of universities and eventually a high school. I decided to expand my educational base by adding the coursework for a second Master’s in education with a focus in curriculum development. This educational path has been very important to my journey overall; especially in the work I do now on my Bible-based workbook series My Time With The Most High.
In 2009 I moved back to the Midwest and began to get serious about doing something with my writing. I had known for many years that writing is my passion, but I was unsure how to get my thoughts printed. After a few years of a LOT of research, trial and error, I was able to begin self-publishing my work.
As my personal journey towards self-awareness and faith grew and began to take shape, it became clearer that my purpose is to edify the Kingdom through my writing. In 2013 I published a Christian fantasy, Like the Days of Noah, which challenged me to learn more about formatting, copyrights, and much more of the background aspects of getting a book “from brain to print”.
The Summer of 2017 saw me make another move down South where I currently reside in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area. The favor of The Most High met me upon arrival and I was quickly embraced by the Dallas body of the Church and have been tasked with expanding my work into other areas that will help spread the Truth of the Most High.
Sometimes people tell me they want to write a book and they ask me questions such as “how to get started” and “when did I know I wanted to be a writer,” etc. To this second question, I always tell people that being a writer is not what you do, it’s who you are. For as far back as I can remember, I have always written; poetry, rap (don’t laugh, I was a rapper!), short stories, prose, etc. In college I helped many of my fellow students write papers to pass their classes. Even now, I think best with a pen in my hand or a keyboard at my fingertips. I think, process information and sometimes even pray through writing.
I said all that to say to you, my new friends who may be interested in publishing a book of your own; do not confuse being a writer with having a great story or idea to share with others. If you are a writer, no one has to tell you this; you already know it, so starting a project is simply a matter of sitting down and doing what you do naturally: WRITE! Afterwards, call me and I can assist with editing, formatting and other tips on publishing your work.
For those of you who are not necessarily “writers” but you have an amazing story to tell, whether its fact, fiction, faith-based or personal testimony; call me, I’ll help you tell your story!
Tara La Sean
Professional Skills
About TG!P
As health is a top priority (or should be), I am definitely going to spend time sharing dishes that I have tried, or those recommended to me by friends who love to live and eat well! I will also share herbal remedies and holistic treatments to help us rid our bodies of the toxins we are in constant contact with.
You will also find a section dedicated to my Monthly Top Picks for Movies, Music, Books and Restaurants in the DFW area.